Post by seyaat420 on May 12, 2008 23:51:16 GMT -5
Post by Kami no Chiizu on May 13, 2008 11:38:41 GMT -5
So, was the song longer than the video and that's what happened at the end?
Post by seyaat420 on May 14, 2008 13:43:39 GMT -5
yea Im probly going to make longer video next time. I just learned that I can compress it very easy.............chris
Post by seyaat420 on Jun 15, 2008 1:17:48 GMT -5
Post by seyaat420 on Jun 15, 2008 3:02:44 GMT -5
Im going to add 2 more pipe straps to each of the baskets. And We have two underblack underbags, were going to spray the bags with scotch gard then sew the bags to the ruckus. I was at K mart the other day and say a mini master lock for laggae. I was going to pick that up as well. With the alarm, If someone tries to rip the bag off or mess with at all the alarm will go off. Plus Im geting a tarp soon, to cover the bikes at night. Also, were going to sew a bag that fits perfectly in the back of the basket. Its a mini color, that they sell here in kona. Only like $20.00 But Its going to work great for our bikes. I will post pictures soon. Just had the belt and rollers done on my red 2004 ruckus, and my top speed, is back to normal. I can actally beat me wife on the 2007.............chris ;D ;D
Post by Kami no Chiizu on Jun 15, 2008 3:12:09 GMT -5
Wowsers, those things look wacky without the front fenders...
Do you have anything under the connectors for the milk crates to protect the paint?
As for the tarp, just remember that it'll hold moisture under it. Shouldn't be a problem if you ride the scooter every day (since I spent two years using a tarp to cover my scooter), but just thought I'd point that out.
You got a lot of neat ideas for your Ruckii, and ones that can come under many a budget. Thanks for sharing.
Post by seyaat420 on Jun 15, 2008 3:30:11 GMT -5
I probly should have put some foam or something like that under the pipe straps, but, Its probly not too bad, but Im probly going to keep it on. I took off all the sound stuff, on my bike, Im getting them ready for portland. I also moved the solar panels to the back of the baskets. Im enjoying the summer before me and my wife move...........chris
Post by Kami no Chiizu on Jun 15, 2008 13:57:23 GMT -5
Yeah, the solar panels look a lot better on the back of the crates than they did on the front rack. I suppose the tradeoff would be less of a range of sun it can take in.
Post by seyaat420 on Jun 15, 2008 14:59:24 GMT -5
I agree. ;Dyea it gets less sun being sideways but, still charges pretty good. Keeps my alaram staying load, and my battery charged.............chris
Post by chanito on Jun 15, 2008 19:15:57 GMT -5
The fenderless look is weird, but the pink touches on your wife ruckus look surpringly nice, and installing the solar panels in the back of the baskets have clean up the look a lot, thanks for sharing, and comgrats the wife looks hot as a blonde also ;D ;D
Post by drteeth1976 on Jun 16, 2008 1:10:08 GMT -5
Do they come with solar panels or is that an aftermarket thing?
Post by Kami no Chiizu on Jun 16, 2008 1:16:52 GMT -5
He added them. I beleive they power his alarm...
Post by seyaat420 on Jun 16, 2008 1:53:04 GMT -5
I bought them off ebay for like $20.00 or so. They help keep my battery charged. Cause I have the alarms on. search ebay 12 volt solar panel..................chris
Post by drteeth1976 on Jun 16, 2008 2:02:59 GMT -5
thats cool. how do you hook them up? looks like they have a car lighter plug on them.
Post by seyaat420 on Jun 16, 2008 16:03:21 GMT -5
yes i plugs in with a cigerate resiprical. I have in the battery case. I fastened them permanitly on, pluged in with a little adhesive glue, so it dont slip out................. chris
Post by seyaat420 on Jul 12, 2008 15:17:44 GMT -5
Post by Kami no Chiizu on Jul 12, 2008 21:00:04 GMT -5
That is definately the least-safe riding gear I've ever seen. But it's always nice to have a pretty girl on a Ruckus.
Post by seyaat420 on Jul 13, 2008 2:37:51 GMT -5
( ;DI know were going to get helmets soon, mainly cause I have 2 way radio, that we can communicate through a ear phone. But yea I can say I like to get a tan, thats why I ride, like that, we go to a new beach now 20 miles away, orso. We decided to stay in kona were not moveing to portland, Im happy and the same time im disappointed, but whatever I will live..................................ruckus on....................
Post by seyaat420 on Jul 13, 2008 2:39:09 GMT -5
and what can I say its hawaii, and people drive so crazy here...........lol,,,,,,,,chris
Post by seyaat420 on Jul 13, 2008 20:11:59 GMT -5